Full Snow Moon in Virgo

Here in the Mid-Atlantic, we've seen more snow this year than in the last three, so it wouldn't be surprising if we had some snow just in time for the Full Snow Moon in Virgo on February 24th. As the second full moon of the year and the final one of winter, it signals a period of introspection and transformation, heralding the imminent arrival of spring. Welcoming the Snow Moon, shining bright amidst the cold sky, invites us to embrace the stillness and silence of the winter moon, encouraging us to slow down and go inward. Despite the wintry conditions, subtle stirrings of change are at play, symbolized by nature awakening with bulbs pushing through the snow and tree buds quietly stretching forth. Spring is Coming, but it’s not here yet.

Nestled within the analytical Virgo, this moon promises introspection, clarity, and potential transformation. Just as untouched snow blankets the landscape, Virgo embodies serenity and perfection, guiding us to make subtle tweaks and adjustments for optimal alignment. Traditionally known as the Full Snow Moon among Native American tribes, February's full moon arrives amidst the heaviest snowfall of the year, marking a period of scarcity and hardship known as the Bony Moon or Hunger Moon. Yet, within this wintry landscape, the Full Snow Moon in Virgo beckons us to embrace the clarity and organization symbolized by this earth sign, offering a guiding light amid the shadows of Pisces season.

Amidst the purity and serenity symbolized by the Snow Moon in Virgo, remember that even small, practical steps can lead to significant changes in our lives. This is a prime opportunity to set achievable goals and pursue them with dedication and focus, aligning ourselves with the transformative energy of this lunar event. As we navigate this no-nonsense lunation, characterized by Virgo's penchant for facing reality, it's essential to address any red flags proactively and embrace the clarity that comes with acknowledging the truth. Despite the potential for heightened anxiety and overstimulation during this time, we can channel Virgo's energy towards relaxation techniques like meditation and journaling, grounding ourselves amidst the flurry of thoughts and emotions.

The dynamic interplay between Virgo and Pisces, with the sun in Pisces opposing the moon in Virgo, creates a harmonious dance of contrasts. While Pisces drifts in the realms of imagination and emotion, Virgo grounds us in practicality and discernment. This alignment encourages us to balance dreams with action, reminding us to be selective in our pursuits and intentional in our endeavors. Far from being stuffy or mundane, Virgo possesses a deeply sensual and romantic nature, inviting us to reconnect with what brings us pleasure and fulfillment.

Surrendering to the Snow Moon's energy, we are encouraged to let go of the need for control and embrace the divine timing of change. Trusting that the universe will meet our energy and loosen the reins a bit allows us to surrender to a softer awakening of what is arising within us. Aligned with Jupiter, the planet of abundance and opportunity, this full moon offers a fertile ground for growth and expansion. Sextiles and trines between the sun, moon, and Jupiter promote connection and communication, fostering an atmosphere of collaboration and possibility.

At it’s core, the Full Snow Moon in Virgo serves as a beacon of clarity and potential amidst the ebb and flow of life's currents. It invites us to harness the transformative energy of this lunar cycle, embracing change with purpose, grace, and a steadfast commitment to our highest aspirations. As we navigate the shifting tides of February, may we heed the wisdom of the stars and embrace the opportunities for growth and renewal that lie ahead.


Victim to Victor | Embracing the Hero Within


Longmu, Mother of Dragons