New Moon in Aquarius

The New Moon in Aquarius on February 9th is one where we may find ourselves at a crossroads, asking us to examine the energies that surround us and questioning what we want our lives to be. Aquarius, the revolutionary water-bearer, invites us to break free from old patterns and embrace a new paradigm.

This particular New Moon aligns with Saturn, the planet of responsibility, urging us to make a deep commitment to our soul's essence. It challenges us to question what we are responsible for within ourselves. What truths have we been ignoring, and how can we honor them with our attention and devotion? As we navigate the terrain of our own authenticity, Aquarius encourages us to step away from societal expectations and familial norms.

During this New Moon, take a moment to connect with your authentic truth, beyond external influences. Ask yourself what your soul genuinely desires, breaking free from the patterns shaped by others' expectations. Embrace your true self, even if it feels uncomfortable initially. If you allow it, the discomfort can transform into a feeling of homecoming as you step into authenticity.

The Moon and Sun's square with Uranus in Taurus introduces tension around breaking old patterns. As creatures of habit, we resist change for the security our familiar routines provide. Feeling lost in this transition is acceptable; consider it a space between your old and new selves. Acknowledge outdated behaviors like outgrown shoes—familiar but no longer serving your growth.

If you've been setting intentions over months or years, this New Moon challenges you to envision life beyond perceived limits, breaking free from self-imposed barriers. When writing intentions, focus on how you want to feel, as the emitted frequency shapes your reality and contributes to collective energy. Decide how you want to feel, live by your truth, and maintain that frequency, empowering yourself to take charge of your life.

Overall, the motto for this New Moon in Aquarius is “To thine own self be true” by taking personal inventory of what you want from your life, work, and relationships, aligning with your heart and soul. As we navigate the New Moon in Aquarius, let it guide us in embracing change, fostering authenticity, and contributing positively to the collective energy shaping our shared journey.


Longmu, Mother of Dragons

